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Plants & Pollens - Northwest (PLN)

$256.00 Regular price
Unit price

TREES Alder Alnus, Ash Fraxinus, Bayberry Myrica, Birch Betula, Buckeye Aesculus, Catclaw Acacia, Cottonwood Populus, Cypress Cupressus, Dogwood Cornus, Elm Ulmus, Gum Eucalyptus, Hackberry Celtis, Hazelnut Corylus, Juniper Juniperus, Maple Acer, Mulberry Morus, Northern White Cedar Thuja, Oak Quercus, Olive Olea, Osage Orange Maclura, Poison Oak Toxicodendron, Port Orford Cedar Chamaecyparis, Privet Ligustrum, Walnut Juglans, Willow Salix.

GRASSES Barley Hordeum, Beach Grass Ammophila, Bent Grass Agrostis, Bermuda Grass Cynodon, Blue Grass Poa, Bluestem Andropogon, Brome Bromus, Canary Grass Phalaris, Corn Zea, Dog's Tail Grass Cynosurus, Fescue Festuca, Fountain Grass Pennisetum, Giant Reed Arundo, Grama Bouteloua, Johnson Grass Sorghum, June Grass Koeleria, Meadow Foxtail Alopecurus, Oat Grass Avena, Orchard Grass Dactylis, Reed Phragmites, Rye Grass Lolium, Salt Grass Distichlis, Sedge Carex, Sweet Vernal Grass Anthoxanthum, Timothy Phleum.

WEEDS Alfalfa Medicago, Beet Beta, Budsage Picrothamnus, Burning Bush Kochia, Carelessweed Amaranthus, Cockleburr Xanthium, Coyotebush Baccharis, Dock Rumex, Goosefoot Chenopodium, Greasebush Hymenoclea, Hemp Cannabis, Honeysweet Tidestromia, Hop Humulus, Marshelder Iva, Mustard Brassica, Nettle Urtica, Pellitory Parietaria, Plantain Plantago, Ragweed Ambrosia, Sagebrush Artemisia, Saltbush Atriplex, Smotherweed Bassia, Tumbleweed Salsola, Twinbugs Dicoria, Winged Pigweed Cycloloma.

*Geographical areas - Washington, Oregon, Northern California, British Columbia*

Quantity: 75 Vials

Model: PLN

Note: Ergopathics test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified providers to support wellness and manage stress. Vials do not contain any substances classified as a DINs of NHPs by Health Canada.

American Express

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This website is encrypted. We take your security very seriously. All transactions powered by Shopify.

Plants & Pollens - Northwest (PLN)

Plants & Pollens - Northwest (PLN)
