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LWP Virus 1 Test Kit

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The energy patterns of hepatitis, chickenpox, measles, HIV, polio, respiratory synctial virus, herpes, Epstein-Barr, coxsackie, etc.


VI  1    Coxsackie    
Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, childhood pneumonia,  upper respiratory tract infection,  greyish ulcers of soft palate and fauces, Bornholm disease, fever, hand foot and mouth disease,  flaccid paralysis, viral meningitis.    
24 group A and 6 group B.

VI  2    Cytomegalovirus / CMV    
Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, encephalitis, hepatitis.
VI  3    Epstein-Barr Virus / EBV    
Infectious mononucleosis, tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, glandular fever, encephalitis, hepatitis, implicated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphomas, viral meningitis.    

VI  4    Hepatitis A / HAV    
Acute hepatitis.
Particularly prevalent in developing countries. In developed nations 20% of young adults show serological evidence of past infection.

VI  5    Hepatitis B / HBV    
Acute and chronic viral hepatitis, implicated in primary liver cancer.    0.1% of UK population estimated to be carriers.

VI  6    Hepatitis C / HCV    
Acute and chronic viral hepatitis, implicated in primary liver cancer.    

VI  7    Herpes Simplex Type 1 /HSV    
Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, cold sores, whitlows, encephalitis, oral and genital ulcers (cold sores).    
Some research links it to dementia.

VI  8    Herpes Simplex Type 2  / HSV
Genital ulcers.    

VI  9    Herpes Zoster
VI 10    Human Immunodeficiency Virus / HIV    
Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, encephalitis.
VI 11    Influenza    
Singapore A, Sichnan A, Beijing A, Shangdong A, Panama B, Yamagata B strains in this vial.

VI 12    Measles Virus    
Fever and running nose, cough followed by rash, viral meningitis.
VI 13     Mumps Virus    
Headache, sore throat and fever  with enlarged salivary glands
VI  14    Papilloma  Human Virus / HPV    
Warts, verrucae, implicated in cancer of the cervix.    

VI  15    Polio Virus
3 types. Type 1 most virulent.
VI  16    Respiratory Syncytial Virus / RSV     
Croup, common cold, childhood pneumonia.
Asthma sometimes starts after an infection with this virus.

VI  17    Rubella  Virus / German Measles    Virus
German measles, rash.    

VI 18    Smallpox Virus    
Smallpox, influenza-type illness, pus-filled blisters.    
It is believed that no reservoirs of this virus are now left outside of laboratories.

VI  19    Varicella Zoster    
VI  20    Yellow Fever Virus    
Occurs in tropical areas of Africa and South America.

VI 21    Parvovirus    
Causes slapped cheek disease (fifth disease / erythema infectiosum); a distinctive red, lacy-like rash on cheeks (and sometimes other parts of body), headache, fever; occurs most often in children; 20% to 30% symptom-free even though infected; in adults can cause joint pains and swelling, miscarriages in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy; can cause chronic anaemia in those with HIV or who have had organ transplants.    
Thought that 60% of all adults in the UK have been infected with Parvovirus at some point, usually as a child (NHS Direct).


Life-Work Potential product code: 8063

Note: Ergopathics test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified providers to support wellness and manage stress. Vials do not contain any substances classified as a DINs of NHPs by Health Canada.

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LWP Virus 1 Test Kit
