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LWP Pesticide 3 Test Kit

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More pesticides, including some used in the home. Many have been shown to exceed their standard for maximum residue level in food within the European Union.

25 vials

PE 51    Acephate    
Used primarily for control of aphids, including resistant species, in vegetables (e.g. potatoes, carrots, greenhouse tomatoes, and lettuce) and in horticulture (e.g. on roses and greenhouse ornamentals).

PE 52    Acetamiprid    
Marketed as Assail, Pristine, Chipco, Bug Clear    
Crops such as leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, apples, grapes, cherry, cotton and ornamental plants. Available in products for home use.

PE 53    Aldrin     3
Banned by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Although banned still found in fat tissue (both human and in animals/fish we eat) and breast milk.  Aldrin exposure increases the likelihood of diabetes.

PE 54    Azinphos-Methyl / 4, 4' -dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane /4, 4' -dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane    Marketed as Agritan, Anofex,    Used on nut trees, vegetable crops, and fruit trees. Has been linked to health problems in farmers who use it.

PE 55    Chlordane    
Banned by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.  Found in breast milk. USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the USA Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) collected samples (in 2009) with surface wipes from USA kitchen floors. Chlordane on 74%.

PE 56    Chloropropham / Chlorpropham    
A plant growth regulator and herbicide. Used to control potato sprouting, and on beans, blueberries, cranberries, carrots, onions, spinach, sugar beets, tomatoes, safflower, soybeans, etc.
PE 57    Clopyralid    
Marketed as Guesapon, Guesarol, Gyron, Havero-extra, Hildit, Ivoran, Ixodex, Kopsal, Mutoxin, Neocid, OMS-16, Parachlorodicum, PEB1    
Used for control of broadleaf weeds, especially thistles and clovers. Was widely used in USA for weed control in lawns until prohibited in 1999.

PE 58    Cypermethrin    
An insecticide in large-scale commercial agricultural applications as well as in consumer products for domestic purposes. Found in many household ant and cockroach killers. USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the USA Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) collected samples (in 2009) with surface wipes from USA kitchen floors. Cypermethrin on 46%.

PE 59    Dimethoate
Widely used insecticide.

PE 60    Diphenylamine
Used on apples pre and post-harvest.

PE 61    Endosulfan Sulfate     
The primary breakdown product of the insecticide endosulfan.

PE 62    Fenitrothion    
Insecticide used on rice, cereals, fruits, vegetables, stored grains, cotton, to control insects in forests and for fly, mosquito, and cockroach control in public health programs.

PE 63    Fipronil    
Insecticide.  USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the USA Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) collected samples (in 2009) with surface wipes from USA kitchen floors. Fipronil on 40%.

PE 64    Folpet    
Used on berries, apples, flowers, ornamentals, fruits and vegetables, and for seed- and plant- bed treatment. Also used as a fungicide in paints and plastics, and for treatment of internal and external structural surfaces of buildings.

PE 65    Hexazinone    
Marketed as Velpar    
Herbicide used on grasses and broadleaf and woody plants.

PE 66    Iprodione    
Marketed as Rovral, Chipco Green.
Fungicide used on fruits, vegetables and on lawns.

PE 67    Methamidophos    
Marketed as Monitor, Nitofol, Tamaron, Swipe, Nuratron, Vetaron, Filitox, Patrole, Tamanox, SRA 5172, and Tam.
Used on broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, grapes, celery, sugar beets, cotton, tobacco, rice and potatoes.

PE 68    Mirex    
Banned by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Although banned still found in fat tissue (both human and in animals/fish we eat) and breast milk.

PE 69    Omethoate    
Used to control insects and mites in horticulture and agriculture, as well as in the home garden.

PE 70    Permethrin        
USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the USA Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) collected samples (in 2009) with surface wipes from USA kitchen floors. The most frequently detected pesticide was permethrin (89 per cent). Included in creams (Nix, Lyclear) for scabies. US military uniforms and mosquito nets may be impregnated with this. May be in head lice treatment. May be carcinogenic.

PE 71    Phosmet        
Mainly used on apple trees for control of coddling moth, though it is also used on a wide range of fruit crops, ornamentals, and vines for the control of aphids, suckers, mites, and fruit flies.

PE 72    Simazin        
Herbicide used to control broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses.

PE 73    Tetrachlorvinphos

PE74    Thiacloprid    
Marketed as Provado Ultimate Bug Killer, Baby Bio House Plant Insecticide.
An insecticide particularly for aphids and white fly. Available in products for home use.

PE 75    Thiamethoxam    
An insecticide effective against aphids, beetles, termites, etc. Available in products for home use.

Life-Work Potential product code: 8072

Note: Ergopathics test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified providers to support wellness and manage stress. Vials do not contain any substances classified as a DINs of NHPs by Health Canada.

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Grass with moisture on it

LWP Pesticide 3 Test Kit
