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LWP Pesticide 1 Test Kit

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The energy patterns of various pesticides including lindane, parathion, paraquat, heptachlor, campheclor, etc. Pesticides cause all sorts of problems. They're not just found in food. They also get into our water supply, into cotton, etc.

25 vials 

PE 1    2,4,5-T /Dioxin
Organochloride; on the EU List of 129; International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use; use being phased out; possibly carcinogenic to humans; herbicide; component of `Agent Orange´ (defoliant) in Vietnam war, during this war the US military dropped 40 million kilogram on Vietnam; probably carcinogenic in humans; still in use from railway companies as a herbicide on the railway.

PE 2     Aldicarb / Temik
International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use; WHO class 1a; used in cultivation of cotton, peanuts, cucumber, watermelons, potatoes, soya beans and ornamental plants; disturbs hormone equilibrium in rats.

PE 3    Amitrole /Amino-Triazol
Herbicide, water-soluble, not fat-soluble; used in cultivation of fruits and ornamental plants; low acute and chronic toxicity, but probably carcinogenic for humans.

PE 4    Atrazine
Organochloride; on UK Red List; possibly carcinogenic to humans; herbicide; non-selective herbicide, low solubility in water, forbidden in many countries in other countries used in cultivation of sugar cane, pineapple and timber; probably carcinogenic for humans; hormonal effects are similar to oestrogen.

PE 5    Bromophos  
WHO class 1b; organic phosphate, WHO class 1b; low to medium toxicity.

PE 6    Camphechlor / Toxaphene     
Banned in EU; International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use; used  in cultivation of cotton, soya beans, peanuts; most probably carcinogenic, liver damage through long term exposure to higher doses.

PE 7    Captan     
Non-systemical fungicide, used against fungus on fruits, ornamental plants and tomatoes; also used by amateur gardeners; low acute toxicity for humans but probably carcinogenic.

PE 8    Chlormequat / CCC
Plant growth regulator; insecticide; used in cultivation of  grains, grapes and pears; probably not carcinogenic. One of the most common pesticide residues found in food in the UK.

PE 9    Deiquat     
Non-selective herbicide; plant growth regulator; used in general and specifically for sugar cane; medium toxicity for humans; kidney damage and eye cataracts through long term exposure.

PE 10    Diazinon    
Organophosphate; insecticide ; used as a sheep dip, particularly until 1990’s when synthetic pyrethroids (e.g. Cypermethrin and flumethrin) were introduced; widely used for pest control in cultivation of  food and ornamental plants; is contained in some agents for indoor use; low to middle acute toxicity; potential mutagen; in human body it breaks down into diazoxone, which is a strong enzyme inhibitor.

PE 11    Dichlorvos    
Organophosphate, cholinesterase inhibitor, insecticide ; used in storage rooms against flies, mites, spiders, etc., and in plant cultivation; used as a treatment against worms in humans and animals ; on UK red list; who class 1b; highly toxic by inhalation, skin contact and ingesting; usually quickly excreted by the body; mutagenic and probably carcinogenic.

PE 12    Dieldrin    
Organochloride; banned in EU; WHO class 1b; insecticide; widely used from 1950 until early 70’s against termites and beetles, for treatment of seeds, against mosquitos and the  Tse-Tse-fly, on sheep, as  a wool impregnating agent against moths and  also as a wood impregnation; chronic effects: liver damage, disturbed immune system;  carcinogenic in animal test; stored in fat tissue, difficult for the body to excrete or break down.

PE 13    DNOC /Dinitrocresol
WHO class 1b; highly toxic; damages liver, kidneys and nervous system; leads to hyperthermia, tachycardia, dehydration and toxic psychosis.

PE 14    Endosulfan     
Insecticide and acaricide; chlorinated carbohydron, insecticide, acaricide; fat-soluble; not allowed in Germany; on UK Red List; contact poison for a wide range of insects and mites; high acute toxicity for humans; damage on kidneys, liver, blood chemistry and parathyroid;  probably mutagenic and almost certainly carcinogenic.

PE 15    Heptachlor    
Organochloride; banned in EU; chlorinated carbohydron, insecticide, fat-soluble; high acute toxicity for humans; stored in fat tissue; found in breast milk; affects nerves; symptoms of acute or chronic toxicity include irritability, overstimulated salivation, lethargy, vertigo, dazed feeling, difficult breathing, muscle spasm and tremble, infertility, disturbed female cycle,  liver damage, kidney damage, increased number of red blood cells, mutagenic, carcinogenic; affects steroid metabolism.

PE 16    Hexachlorbenzene / HCB     
Organochloride; chlorinated carbohydron; fungicide; banned in EU; WHO class 1a; low acute toxicity; stored in fat tissue; found in breast milk; effects of higher doses include tremour, paralysis, weakness ; probably carcinogenic for humans; speed of breaking down of hormones in the body is changed.

PE 17    Lindane     
Organochloride; pesticide; no longer produced in USA; used in cultivation of sugar beet; highly toxic for humans; stimulates the central nerve system with symptoms like mental and motor regression, nerve over-activity, failure of breathing, lung oedema and dermatitis; carcinogenic for humans; change of testicles in laboratory animals.

PE 18    Maneb    
Fungicide; used in cultivation, transport and storage of plants and seeds; medium acute toxicity; possible chronic effects include dermatitis, tremor, weakness, depression, paralysis, mal-digestion, co-ordination problems; affected organs are thyroid, kidney and heart; disturbs hormone regulation; cooking treated vegetables probably increases carcinogenic effect.

PE 19    MCPA /Metaxon    
Chlorinated carbohydron; systemic herbicide particularly for grain and grass; low acute toxicity; long term effects in animal experiments include growth obstruction, kidney damage, disturbed reproduction; in humans: muscle weakness, reversible anaemia, stomach problems, slight liver problems.
PE 20    Methoxychlor     
Organochloride; insecticide; not allowed in Germany; various uses in agriculture, and by amateurs; high increase in use since ban of DDT; relatively low toxicity and short retention time in biological systems; in animal experiment loss of weight and growth disturbance found on long term exposure.

PE 21    Paraquat    
Herbicide; banned in some Scandinavian countries; highly toxic for humans; affects lungs, kidney and liver, wide range of symptoms, possibly carcinogenic for humans; International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use.

PE 22    Parathion    
Organophosphate; insecticide and acaricide; under consideration for the UK Red List; WHO class 1a; used in cultivation and storage of grain; highly toxic for humans; possible symptoms from acute exposure include breathing problems, nose bleeding, coughing, shortness of breath; probably carcinogenic; disturbs hormone balance.

PE 23    Pentachloro¬phenol / PCP
Organochloride; insecticide; fungicide; WHO class 1b; banned in Germany since 1989, but many residual pollution in buildings and imported leather goods and textiles; mainly used to protect construction wood against insects and fungus, but also in paper and clothing industries; very toxic for humans; symptoms from acute exposure include sweating, dehydration, loss of appetite, loss of  weight, vertigo, uncontrolled movements, coma; chronic exposure may result in stomach-ache, vertigo, fever,  breathing problems.

PE 24    Pyrethrum     
Natural insecticide from  the chrysanthemum plant; used in sprays against lice, mosquitos (evaporation papers), flies, cockroaches, also in storage of grain, in poultry farming and on cats and dogs.

PE 25    Thomasmehl
By-product in iron smelting, used as a fertiliser.

Life-Work Potential product code: 8040

Note: Ergopathics test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified providers to support wellness and manage stress. Vials do not contain any substances classified as a DINs of NHPs by Health Canada.

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LWP Pesticide 1 Test Kit
