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LWP Body Bio-chemicals 2 Test Kit

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The energy patterns of more neurotransmitters, enzymes, body proteins, weight control hormones, etc. For use by practitioners of AK, kinesiology and bioresonance therapy.

25 vials.


BB26    Acetone / Dimethyl Ketone / 2-Propanone / Beta-Ketopropane        
Produced primarily during excessive fat metabolism, although some levels present in virtually every organ and tissue, and the blood contains some acetone.    
Occurs naturally in plants, trees, volcanic gases and forest fires. Present in vehicle exhaust, tobacco smoke, and landfill sites; also manufactured and used widely in industry as a solvent in paints and lacquers and for cellulose plastics.

BB27    Adenosine    
Affects central nervous system and peripheral nervous system; constituent of ATP and ADP.    
May be involved with asthma; stimulatory effect of tea and coffee because inhibit adenosine.

BB28    Adenylate Cyclase
Converts ATP into cAMP within the cell.
BB29    Albumin/ Albumen    
Protein    produced by liver; most abundant (54%) and smallest of plasma proteins; regulates osmotic pressure of plasma and therefore fluid retention; carrier for metals, ions, fatty acids, amino acids, bilirubin, enzymes and drugs – prevents them being filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in urine.
BB30    Antithrombin III    
Blocks action of clotting agents (factors XII, XI, IX, X and II).
BB31    Atrial Natriuretic Peptide /ANP/ Atriopeptin    
Produced in upper chambers of heart; increases excretion of sodium in urine; increases urine output and decreases blood volume; causes blood vessels to dilate; inhibits aldosterone production and lowers blood pressure.    
Children with congenital heart disease have high levels of ANP.

BB32    Calcitriol    
Hormone    that aids in absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus; secreted by kidneys; it is the active hormonal form of vitamin D.    

BB33    Cortisol/ Hydrocortisone    
The principal glucocorticoid; increases blood glucose levels by increasing cellular utilization of proteins and fats as energy sources thus conserving glucose; stimulates liver cells to produce glucose from amino acids and fats; secretion controlled by ACTH from anterior pituitary; counteracts the inflammatory response.    
Also used as a drug for inflammatory or allergic conditions.

BB34    Endothelin-1        
Found in brain, intestines, kidneys and heart; most potent vasoconstrictor known; regulates salt transport in intestine.    May be implicated in migraine; increased levels in diabetic and non-diabetic coronary artery disease; increased levels in micro-vascular angina.

BB35    ß-Estradiol/17ß-Estradiol    
Synthesized from cholesterol in ovaries; predominant oestrogen hormone in non-pregnant women; promotes development and maintenance of female reproductive structures; increases protein anabolism; lowers blood cholesterol; moderate levels inhibit release of the hormones GnRH, FSH and LH.
BB36    Estriol    
One of the oestrogen hormones; promotes development and maintenance of female reproductive structures; increases protein anabolism; lowers blood cholesterol; moderate levels inhibit release of the hormones GnRH, FSH and LH.    

BB37    Estrone    
One of the oestrogen hormones; promotes development and maintenance of female reproductive structures; increases protein anabolism; lowers blood cholesterol; moderate levels inhibit release of the hormones GnRH, FSH and LH.    

BB38    Gamma-Aminobutyrate Acid/GABA    
Amino acid and neurotransmitter.Most widely distributed inhibitory neurotransmitter; blocks noradrenaline and dopamine.    Deficiencies found in hypertension and seizures; a target for anti-anxiety drugs.

BB39    Gamma Globulin    
Approximately 38% of blood plasma proteins; carrier for antibodies and so has a role in infection and allergies.    
Given as an injection to prevent viral hepatitis.

BB40    Glucagon    
Hormone    that raises blood sugar levels by accelerating breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the liver, converting other nutrients into glucose in the liver, and releasing glucose into the blood – opposes the action of insulin1; may stimulate the secretion of water and electrolytes by the mucosa of small intestine.    Given by injection in the emergency treatment of people with diabetes mellitus who are unconscious as a result of hypoglycaemia.

BB41    Glutamic Acid/ Glutamate    
Amino acid and neurotransmitter. Can be manufactured by the body; precursor of proline, ornithine3, arginine and polyamines; a stimulatory neurotransmitter; can be converted in body into GABA; nearly all excitatory neurons in the CNS and possibly half of the synapses in the brain communicate via glutamate; visual adaptation to light and dark.    
Many epileptics have increased levels of glutamic acid; part of the acute reaction to withdrawal from drug addiction includes increase production of glutamate.

BB42    Glycine    
Amino acid and neurotransmitter. Can be synthesized from other amino acids (serine and threonine3); acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter; assists in manufacture of DNA, glycerol, phospholipids, collagen, glutathione and cholesterol2 conjugates; essential for one of key liver detoxification pathways; stimulates secretion of glucagons; in spinal cord (inhibitory action) and in retina.    
Parkinson’s disease; low levels often found in manic-depressives and epileptics; people with motor neurone disease may have impaired glycine metabolism.

BB43    Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)    
Secreted by hypothalamus; stimulates release of LH and FSH.    

BB44    Leptin    
Released by fat cells as they synthesize triglycerides; reduces appetite; believed to inhibit neuropeptide Y; role in central control of bone mass and so possibly osteoporosis; onset of puberty; believed to have an immune system role through support of helper T cells.    
Non-insulin dependent diabetes, high blood pressure.

BB45    Neuropeptide Y    
Peptide that is present in many parts of the brain and autonomic nervous system; enhances effect of norepinephrine; stimulates appetite; causes increased storage of ingested food as fat;  regulation of circadian rhythms, sexual functioning, anxiety and stress response, peripheral vascular resistance and contractility of heart; reduces energy expenditure: high circulating levels with severe exercise.    
A gene in roundworms (closely related to the neuropeptide Y receptor gene in humans) increases social contact and interaction; research is being carried out to produce a drug for epilepsy based on this.

BB46    Neurotensin    
Release stimulated by fatty acids; inhibits gastrointestinal motility and increases ileal blood flow; regulation of LH1 and prolactin1; blocks stimulation of acid and pepsin by the vagus nerve.    
Low levels may be involved in schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease.
BB47a    Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase / PTP1B    
Inhibits signaling of leptin and insulin1; may explain resistance to leptin and insulin.    Likely to be important in obesity and type 2 diabetes; drug research now being carried out to find drugs to inhibit PTP1B.

BB48    Thyroxine/ Tetraiodothyronine/ T4    
Converted into T3; growth and normal development; increase rate at which cells release energy from carbohydrates; enhance protein synthesis; stimulate nervous system.
BB49    3,3’,5’-Triiodothyronine/ Reverse T3    
Reverse T3 and T3 are secreted in an inverse relationship allowing the thyroid to adjust the amount of thyroid activity; blocks the action of T3 by binding with the receptor sites.    
Acute and chronic diseases and malnutrition also shift the T31 balance to Reverse T3.

BB50    Val-Pro- Asp-Pro-Arg    
Research on rats indicates that this is an appetite suppressant.    

Life-Work Potential product code: 8005

Note: Ergopathics test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified providers to support wellness and manage stress. Vials do not contain any substances classified as a DINs of NHPs by Health Canada.

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cells in the body

LWP Body Bio-chemicals 2 Test Kit
